Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Cause & Effect
Cause: I stay home from church on Sunday morning to do some unpacking from the trip to the grandparents' and a little cleaning around the house. Nice, quiet, rainy morning. I get to mop my floors for the first time in 2 1/2 months.

Effect: Two kids pee on my floors three times on Monday.
Blogger Kim said...
Pee has ammonia in it. Or you can take the moral to this story as: never, ever mop your floors. It's probably what I would do.

Blogger Adrienne said...
LOL, well Aj missed the ENTIRE toilet and put his pee in the trash can...6 year old pee STINKS lol

Blogger Missy said...
Ah Virge, just mop with the pee!

Blogger Michon said...
ALWAYS!!! I remember this!
Take heart though!... cuz when they get passed this stage it will be spilled milk or juice during dinner the same or next day.

Blogger -C said...
This ALWAYS happens to me ... I mop, then there is a MAJOR mess that somehow happens within the next 24 hours. One time I dropped our entire dinner entree on the floor and wall! Ugh. Feelin' your pain.

Blogger Morgan said...
Oh my gosh, I can't imagine (yet, I'm sure my turn is next)! Great argument for not mopping though!

Blogger Nicole said...
Ahh Yes the joys of children LOL!

Blogger Kim said...
ROFLMBO!!! Sorry...no words of wisdom...too...busy...laugh...ing!!!

Blogger Just call me "B" said...
I love it, I love it!

So, what you are saying is that I am NOT alone in this world!!

Blogger Rebecca Bollman said...
LOL!!! That is too funny!

Well I guess you won't be mopping until the potty training really kicks in, eh? :)

Blogger HoweverAlthough said...
YIKES! Cause:children Effect: all kinds of stuff I could not deal with. Thank God my two fur babies are housebroken. :)

Blogger Haley said...
Isn't that the way! Well, at least you tried. :-)

Blogger Michelle said...
could have been poop ;)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh my goodness! I'm sorry but that really made me chuckle!