Tuesday, January 22, 2008
How Do Dinosaurs Go To the Bathroom?

(With a friend.)

[I found this when I went to the bathroom the other day. I couldn't resist taking pics of it. Hee hee)
Blogger Adrienne said...
HAHAHAH too cute!

Blogger cropaddict.com said...
rofl too cute :)

Blogger Morgan said...
SO cute! You should do a layout!!!

Blogger Jenney said...
Sooo cute!

Blogger Andy said...
i didn't know dino's went to the bathroom with a friend. they must be girl dino's. love it girl. little kids are great. i love how they bring stuff into our lives to make us smile.

Blogger Deanna said...
OMGosh! That it TOO TOO cute! You've gotta scrap that--with the joke and everything. It's too perfect not to. Oh, and love the comment that they must be girl dinos! LOL! Too cute!

Blogger Michon said...
That is too cute! Love it!:)

Blogger Rebecca Bollman said...
Too too funny!!! OMG! Love that they're approaching the step stool and seemingly collaborating on who's going to go first. :)

Blogger Missy said...
Aren't kids the greatest!

LUUUUUVVVEE your hair by the way.
Very sophisticated!

Blogger Abbey said...
I love this. I love pictures of dinosaurs going for a poop. ;)

Blogger HoweverAlthough said...
I would not go to the bathroom with a dinosaur.
Atticus cracks me up, though. It was Atticus who did that, right? Not your husband, right?