today has been pretty normal in our house.
which is way way good.
my head is starting to not feel like it's going to explode due to sinus stuff, which i am very glad of. i am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. it wears down everything on you. but - i am feeling better and that is a very good thing.
i thought i'd give some of you, who don't have children and/or multiple toddlers in your home, a glimpse of what a normal day is like.
(not all of these pictures are technically from today... but they kind of give you some ideas of my normal life. they are all, however, from this week. and they are just a tiny, tiny glimpse of the silliness that is my life.)
the day started off with breakfast, brushing teeth and the like.
atticus really digs climbing up on things. yesterday i found him on top of emerson's craft table 3 times. at least i can supervise when he's on the stool in the bathroom.
then we had a quick trip to the post office, the local library branch (which was closed because they have the most insane hours ever- but that's another post, another time), and then walmart. the kids are always drawing a lot of attention when we are out,
1) because they are cute
2) because they are both so little & i have a very obviously pregnant belly and
3) because they do weird things like this
we came home for lunch and a little play time before naps.
before i had kids, i always dreamed of my kids' rooms looking like pottery barn. at the moment, they look more like the crockery shack. (and believe it or not, we attempt a major clean up every day or so.)
i got them to calm down and read some library books. (which i am very proud to say, they both love doing.)
once atticus hit the hay, i let em experiment with water colors for the first time.
she totally dug it.
she also dug the really cool mess a jar of water makes when poured over a pile of construction paper.
(i expected it though. i mean, come on. she's two. the joys of having hard wood floors that can be easily mopped up.) :)
emerson helped me put away some silverware
and then "hit the hay" so to speak... except she played in her room the entire time.
I took a nap.:)
edited to add: i noticed that it looks like my kids never have normal clothes on or have their hair brushed. sad to say, they actually do, but since my 2 year old is a self-proclaimed fashionista, she ends up creating her own concoctions. and the hair gets a little mussy from the constant wardrobe changes.
2. Crockery Shack ... bwahahahahaha!!!
3. Their bedroom and clothing choices basically look like life at my house, love that em is in her flip flops and fairy costume
K :)
and they're both adorable
and these pictures scream "scrap me!" (diapers, bad hair, and all)
sometimes i see pictures of someones kid totally spotless and immaulate and i feel sorry for the kid b/c noone's kid is naturally spotless (EVER).
Those pics of Em bring back memories of Ivey always in dress up!! She still (at 12) likes to put on something crazy and dance around the house or just imagine like a little girl! I am so glad she has been at home with me all of these yrs. Your thoughts are so similar to ones I have had and continue to have. (all of them, esp. the one about not being grumpy at the end of the day, not getting any escape time...)I also miss my really old house!!