Friday, July 27, 2007
Too much motherhood.
A sign you are around the 3 foot and under crowd too much:

when your two year old is "talking" on her "cell phone" and you wait to ask her something because you are being courteous of her conversation.

(true story.)
Blogger Amy Nabors said...
Oh that cracks me up. I can so empathize! :):):)

Blogger Adrienne said...
OMG lol....(((hugs))) lub you girl!

Blogger Michelle said...
yes, if only they would do the same.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ROFL!!!!!!!!! Too funny1

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That's pretty funny, E has been telling us lately, "I can't do that I'm busy." Ha!!

no did not wait...tell me you didn't....that is toooo funny!

Blogger Abbey said...
LOL! I love it.

Blogger jenney said...
Ha ha!! I can totally relate to this!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ahahahahha!! This happens to my 15 month old! She is currently speaking in Madison-ese (Madison is her name)Thanks for the laugh!

Blogger Kim said...
hello... psycho. you need to be with an adult. come over and play...

Blogger mary h. said...
OH, V!!!! I am laughing so hard right now I can barely see. LOL!!!!!