Monday, July 02, 2007
some HP goodness.
katie m. tagged me, so of course i had to play.

1. Butterbeer or pumpkin juice?
Pumpkin juice. I'm a non-alcoholic sort of girl. ;)

2. What House would you most likely (or want to) be in in Hogwarts?
I'd like to be in Ravenclaw, but I have a feeling I'd end up in Hufflepuff.

3. If you were an animagus, what animal would you turn into?
A cat I think.

4. What character do you empathize with, or resemble best?
I empathize with Ron, although Lord help me if I resemble him the most. I don't think I resemble anybody really.

5. What position do you play at Quidditch?
The cheerleader/spectator position.

6. Which teacher is your favorite?
Oooooh, hard one. Possibly Lupin, although I love me some Minerva McGonagal. And I hold Snape near & dear to my heart, but probably not for his teaching skills.

7. Any Harry Potter 7 predictions?
I predict Harry will discover that the final horcrux is his scar.

(Also, check out this AMAZINGLY cool album that I found on this girl's blog. She's doing a page-a-day tutorial starting soon, so check it out. Man I am drooling all over it.
My Weblog: Here it is...)
Blogger Adrienne said...
VERY NICE ALBUM....counting down to HP are we? So is Jaelyn

Blogger Michelle said...
Man you seriously know some Harry Potter. I mean, I think I'm familiar with the books but that was all greek to me. I have only read three of them. I want to read them and catch up before the movie comes out but I know I won't. poo on me.

Blogger Katie said...
Amazing Album. Can't wait to study it more : )

Loved the HP quiz too. Can't wait for the book. My Parents, my grandfather and I are going to see HP5 at the IMAX Friday. Can't wait!!!