Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A fun quiz...
Jennifer sent this to me- I hadn't done this one before. Super fun. And I'm glad to know that I'm only 25% Voldemort. Whew. Must've been that whole splitting up my soul thing that I did a few years back.

You scored as Hermione Granger, You're one intelligent witch, but
you have a hard time believing
it and require constant
reassurance. You are a very
supportive friend who would do
anything and everything to help
her friends out.

Hermione Granger


Remus Lupin


Ron Weasley


Albus Dumbledore


Severus Snape


Harry Potter


Ginny Weasley


Sirius Black


Draco Malfoy


Lord Voldemort


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
created with QuizFarm.com
Blogger Michelle said...
hey, I don't even remember who this is or I didn't get far enough into the series to figure it out but I was...
80% Rumus Lupin (is he a bad guy?)
and 70% Ron Weasley (which I pretty much knew I would be)

Blogger i dig musicians said...
So...this is the first HP book I've cried whilst reading... I would very much like to go on and pretend that some of the characters who died are not dead... Is it so wrong to want them to live? (Even though they are fictional characters...)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Michelle, I adore Lupin! And Ron is a huge fav of mine. I am not surprised you are that combo. :)

And SCORE!!! I got Dumby! YES!

~Old Hinkely (and Michelle knows me as 'learning')


Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am 75% Ron!

Blogger not said...
hey, this isn't regarding the subject at all, but i am trying to find the sheets of chipboard like you had... do you know where i can find it? my email is nykkigriffin@gmail.com

Blogger Katie said...
I got Dumbledore too.

Blogger i dig musicians said...
I couldn't get the link to come up... Boo that!

Blogger Sarah said...
I got the same as you, except third place went to snape rather than ron!!!!!