Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Crop Addict May Gallery Up!
Come check it out! :)

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Blogger Adrienne said...
MY baby is almost a YEAR OLD! OMG!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love all your layouts, and the baby book is so awesome! It's going into my ideas book.

Blogger i dig musicians said...
Virginia! Well hello... How's it goin'? I just watched the Potter Puppets video...I think I may have peed my pants laughing at that... I found one of the international OoTP trailers and put it on my page. All kinds of excited about that...

Anyway. Just sayin' hey!

Blogger Nancywithajones said...

Blogger Lisa said...
That album is scrapalicious! I love it - beautiful job. I loved Kristina's class and your take is perfect for such sweet memories!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You ROCKED!!! the May kit!!

Blogger sally hanna said...
all of your artwork is fab-o...especially lovin the mini album.