Pushing me out of the box.
The beauty of scrapbookers.
Seeing others' souls.
Feather boas.
Oxygen bar.
Cute aprons.
Barfing (unfortunately).
Packing kits.
Staying at Chateau La Michelle.
Having the cutest prizes at Michelle's home.
Taking pics.
Chillin' at Michelle's.
Eating midnight snacks.
Taking quizzes.
Meeting so many of my faves.
Stalking Kristina Contes.
Meeting so many new friends.
Wishing I could've hung out more.
Playing with the kits.
Lovin' my Rave outfit.
Cracking up at Wes and his punked up Creative Memories bag.
Thinking Katie M. is the coolest ever for her leprechaun outfit.
Thinking Katie B. is the cutest ever and wishing I looked as half as good as she did post-pregnancy. (And Campbell ain't too bad herself, either. ;) )
Inspired by Kristina. And Heather. and Jenni.
Convicted by Stacy.
Itching to play with my camera because of Allison. And not feeling like I'm alone as a mom, either.
Yearning for structure because of Robin.
So glad I know Mo.
Scrap Etc. Event 2007. Love it.
(Please please PLEASE if you have a pic of me in it with you, OR you have a pic you just think I might like, please email me at I will lub you forever!)
-some of the pics aren't the greatest, but i still love them because of hte feeling they evoke- and that's the important thing, right? :)
sorry we didn't get to say hi, crazy weekend huh???
Hope you're getting some rest!!
I read your profile and was so happy that you love the book "redeeming Love" because that is like my fav. book of all time.
I need to read it again.
Okay. bye.