Thursday, March 22, 2007
Ok, so have I mentioned...
God has truly blessed us with an awesome community of believers and helpers around us... it just takes a lot to knock down that pride and ask for help sometimes, eh?

I got an easy way out this time, though. I didnt' even ask for help - mainly I just whined and complained so much that our generous friends Jeremy & Christa are letting us borrow an extra computer that they have that is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY faster than our current one. I mean, I can type and actually see the words appearing on the screen as I type them! How cool is that?! ;)

So I just wanted to say publicly- thank you guys. You have truly blessed us.

And because of their generosity, I can now blog again!

I'm feeling pretty giddy from this awesome turn of events... so tonight I'm going to do a little cleaning out in my scrapstash and put together a little Blog Candy (or RAK as they say- random act of kindness for you newbies) and give it out to the person who can correctly answer the following questions (and if there is more than one correct answerer, I'll just draw a name. LOL)

Alright so here are your questions:

1. What ride was I scared out of my guts to ride on at Disneyworld/Epcot/MGM ?
2. What's my favorite color?
3. What are two of my favorite tv shows (I'm giving you several chances here, because there are about 4 or 5)
4. What are my kiddos' names (and bonus = who are they named after?)
5. How old were Shaun and I when we got married?

I have no idea if I've even mentioned most of these things on my blog, but I'm thinking I have somewhere here or there. ;)

I'll get off of here and dig around for some fun prizes for y'all, and in the meantime, here's some sneaky peekies at my Crop Addict April Layouts... go check 'em out!

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Blogger Vikki said...
Ok I am going to try answering your questions...I have not known you that long, but here it goes...

1. Space Mt
2. Favorite Color...Brown/Pink
3. Favorite Shows...Lost and House
4. Children's names: Emerson your sweet baby girl, named after the poet...Atticus your cute little boy named after Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird
5. Married for 7 years

I am glad you are blogging again, I so enjoy reading it everyday!

Blogger Vikki said...
Not how long you have been married but what ages....Shaun was 23 and you were 20??

Blogger Michelle Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Blogger Michelle Sanders said...
Ok, here goes...

1. Rockin' Rollercoaster
2. Pink
3. Gilmore Girls & Lost
4. Atticus & Emerson
5. You were 20 and he was 23

Fingers crossed! LOL!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
1. Not sure 2. pink 3. LOST & GG 4. Emerson and Atticus ( from a book and a poet) 5. Not sure of the rest....
Had to play!

Blogger Katie said...
love your new pic V!
1. uhhhh ... no idea, sorry =)
2. green (as in punk rawk)
3. lost and ummmm ????
4. emerson (alpha r. waldo) and atticus (TKAM, like my Scoutie)
5. let's see, you were 19 and your DH was uhhhhh ... 22? I have no idea, but I *hearts* a quiz!
love ya!

Blogger Adrienne said...
Oh she BLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think I've got it! Does this make me a blog candy hog?
1. rocking rollercoaster
2. green/turquoise/black
3. lost/gilmore girls
4. emmerson (ralph waldo) and atticus (tkamb)
5. 20?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The only reason I knew number 2 was because I spent a week with you! I don't think I would have known that otherwise!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i wanna play!!
1. hehehehe, the friggin' rockin' roller coaster!
2. i feel like i should know this one for sure but i am going to go with GREEN!
3. Lost and Gilmore Girls
4. Emerson and Atticus (not sure about Emerson but Atticus is from To Kill a Mockingbird)
5. you were both 20??