Thursday, November 02, 2006
hee hee ha ha hee hee

i've had some nice moments these last couple of days.

shaun made this de-lic-ious spaghetti & meatball soup last night... i enjoyed the leftovers tonight again. mmmmmm. so yummy. he got the recipe from here in case you are interested in trying it out. the chick that writes that blog has really yum recipes that are healthy & low-cal/low-fat (and she puts weight watchers points down for some of the meals). i really like it. plus i really like the fact that my husband likes to cook food for me. :)

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i finally cleaned up my scrap area... it's been looking like this for a couple of weeks:
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pretty overwhelming.
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but now it's moderately clean. probably needs a re-organization, but eh.
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em went to mother's day out and gave me a wee break.
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atticus and i lazed around while i read "mimus" and caught up on last night's LOST.
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i got a really sweet & encouraging email from michelle.
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i had an excellent library visit... except for the whole paying the humongo fine part. (yes, katie m., i'm one of those dreaded "always-have-a-fine" people. i bet we drive you crazy, huh? )

oh, and speaking of books... i made this a while back and forgot to share it. i like to keep a record of the books i read and jot a few thoughts down. i've found that sometimes shaun and i will remember a book vaguely, but not the title or whatever and we can't find it again because of our poor memories. so i started keeping a reading journal this year. :)

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did i mention that the registration for the 2007 Scrap Etc. event started yesterday?! i am so super-excited about it. i'm helping with some of the planning and if you are planning on coming- or still wavering on the decision- you are going to be in for some real treats! i'm especially excited to say that the amazing ms. kristina contes is going to be there (along with heather preckel, alison tyler jones, stacy julian, jenni bowlin, and robin johnson!!) ... i can't be more thrilled to be able to take her class. :) she posted a little peek at the products she's going to use in her class, and already my fingers are itching to play.

well... i'd better get off... update my google calendar with my library book due dates. trying to avoid that fine this time around.
Blogger Michelle said...
Those are the cutest pictures ever of Emerson and Atticus. I loved your Halloween quiz thingy...I thought it was quite appropriate that I would die of fits (maybe from electrocution?). Ha! That's so morbid but also veeeery interesting.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm amazed you even have time to read a book. Love, love the pic of you with the mess in the background.

mary h.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Love the pictures! You and Michelle look great! I really miss you guys!

Blogger Katie said...
ooohhhhh, love that reading journal! very kewl.
actually, i don't have to deal with fines b/c you know, i work in adult services! not circulation ... so, fine away my friend! (almost typed - my fiend - HA).