Thursday, December 29, 2005
Anyone else notice the new trend of having New Year's "intentions" rather than resolutions?

I first read about this concept on Ali Edwards' blog, and I really like the idea. It definitely takes the pressure off. I've always liked the idea of resolutions, but knowing myself, I usually never made them because they'd most likely be New Year's Procrastinations.

(An aside: I was trying to find the entry in Ali's blog about this, but now I can't find it. Sorry folks!)

Anyways, as I was rambling along...

a few posts ago I was whining about the whole creative process and how I fit into it. And some of my goals. Namely, the insanity of trying to do something creative every day.

I like the idea of making that my intention. Not like some intense *thing* I have to *accomplish* or it becoming *who I am*... just something that I intend to do, to become more me.

As part of this process, I'm excited to say that I'm going to start an art journal this week. I'd been watching the chics over at Personal Velocity this fall, and I wanted to take part... but now I'm taking the time.

(Another aside: I'd love to take one of Shimelle's classes, but for now I'm going to satisfy myself with this free version.) :)

I've got the prompts all printed out, and I'm ready to go. Gonna use an old book- possibly "The Clue in the Diary" (an old Nancy Drew book I picked up at the thrift store). Can't wait!
Blogger Sarah said...
oooh cool, Virgina! Can't wait to see what you do!

And by the way. You totally made my christmas eve with the card and flowers. Woo hee! I had to laugh, because it was my favorite present of the night!!!! Thank you so much dearie! You are a doll!

Blogger Adrienne said...
Cool!!! Can't wait to see what you create!