Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Signs of Fall...

I was shocked today to feel the first breezes of fall.

You see, typically in Alabama, we get Blistering Hot Sun up until October, in which we get a brief week or two of actual fall type weather. Then it immediately turns gloomy and gray (which I personally don't mind, but I just LOVE autumn and could do with loads more of it).

So anyways, back to the breezes.

It got me in the mood to decorate our home for fall, which I'd been looking forward to- but really hadn't been inclined to do, due to the afore-mentioned Blistering Hot Sun.

Our home smells like warm coffee beans, spicy vanilla, and hints of pumpkin right now. Mmmmm.


I have to say, I am a thrift store gal. Poor Emerson has been dragged along to quite a few in her short life time.

Lately, I've been on the search to find her some winter clothes.

You see, before she was born, many of my baby showers consisted of starry-eyed childless women like myself who dreamed of dressing their little girls in darling little dresses and two piece outfits.

If it wasn't those girls at my showers, it was sweet grandmother types who also had fond memories of dressing their little girls up in darling little dresses and two piece outfits.

So I ended up with over 50 darling little dresses and two piece outfits.


Yes, ebay has already seen many of those that I had to weed out, but that left me with a quest to find some practical, warm play clothes for Em for this winter.

And the ol' thrift store came through for me.

I already found some good stuff there last week, and this week I found 2 cute hoodies, one fleece reversible jacket, a long sleeved onesie, and 2 pairs of Old Navy pants (one khaki cords, one dark washed jeans) - all for $6!! Can't get much better than that. :)


Off to do some more creating. Oh yeah- I finally completed Effer Dare #4! I'll post pics tomorrow... hopefully I'll be able to complete a few more layouts tonight.

Blogger Sarah said...
How lovely! About the thrift shops and autumn! I'm a bargain hunter myself, and willing to get my hands dirty in the process! Ah the thrill of the hunt!

Love the decor! Very fall-y!!! :)

Blogger amberdusk said...
I LOVE FALL! I know what you mean how it is changing. It's strange how all of a sudden you can feel it coming. I was driving with my husband today and rolled down my window. I just felt it! Love the look of your candles. It really makes it feel like fall doesn't it.

Blogger Jada's Gigi said...
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Blogger Jada's Gigi said...
I raised 3 kids on thrift shops and consignments stores. You go girl! :)
I love the fall too and you're right, it just snuck up on us this past few days. I planted mums on Sat! We actually slept with our windows open last nite! Yum! Delish!
Love your fall decor! I'll be breaking mine out soon too. Happy Harvest!

Blogger amberdusk said...
So you were a teacher too eh? Nice to know I have company, but now it looks like you have a little one. Much different? I don't have one yet but I am curious to know if I will be totally clueless or an old pro.

Blogger amberdusk said...
I just noticed... You ARE a teacher. So you teach 3's? I taught 3 1/2's the last 4 years and 2's before that. Good Luck!

Blogger Virginia said...
Nope, not a teacher now, but I was... I taught pre-k 3s a few years ago. Also did student teaching & practicums with 4th graders; I love the really little ones though! :)

One of my MANY jobs... ;)